
Lamborghini | date of birth: 22.06.2018.

Character & Temper:

Lamborghini was the first dog for us, it all started with him, even the name for our Kennel. He is a dog that looks dangerous but is a very big cuddle and sleeper. He does not tolerate hot weather, but when it is time to bathe, he’s the first in line. He likes to play with other dogs, children and people around him… He is a real watch dog when needed but he mainly uses his free time to sleep.

Visual characteristics:

Extremely black dog with a small whiteness on the chest, large bones, large head and excellent front and rear corners.

Titles & Achievements:


Genetic Testing Results

As a Cane Corso breeder, we want to ensure that our dogs are healthy and free from any genetic conditions that could affect their quality of life. This means that our dogs do not carry any of the genetic variants associated with these health conditions.

Family tree

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