I’d like to start by thanking the Kennel Association of the Republic of Macedonia for organizing the event so well. The dog show itself was a hit on all three days. Success was abundant; both of our dogs received new titles.
Artur won Champion of Macedonia title
Arthur was up to the task and he enjoys displaying his dominance.
Artur Lamborghini Corso Kennel
CAC, Best of Breed
Champion of Macedonia
Azra won Champion of Macedonia title
Azra was amazing! Her elegant body and head captivate everyone.
Azra Lamborghini Corso Kennel
02.12.2022. CAC, R.CACIB 03.12.2022. CAC 03.12.2022. CAC, R.CACIB 04.12.2022. CAC, CACIB Champion of MacedoniaAt the time of adoption, our puppies are 100% guaranteed to be in good health and free of any signs of infection or contagious or communicable diseases. We are proud that our relationship with you does not end when you buy a puppy from us.